Will you brave a ride through the long Alpine tunnels or undertake an arctic ferry ride? Will you construct extravagant train stations across the old empires or attempt the fabled European Express? Your next move could seal your place as Europe's greatest train magnate! Pack your luggage, hail the porter, and climb aboard! Asmodee and Days of Wonder recently launched Ticket to Ride Europe: 15th Anniversary Edition.This is the exact same game that people have come to love but pimped out in a luxury version with a giant board, sculpted wagons in tin boxes, gorgeous artwork, all 108 Destination Ticket Cards, and more.

While there's nothing new here in terms of content, Ticket to Ride: Europe 15th Anniversary Edition represents the. From beneath the shadow of Londons Big Ben to the towering arches of Romes Colosseum, from the brilliant onion domes of Moscow to the delicate Eiffel Tower in Paris, Ticket to Ride Europe takes you on new train adventures through the great cities of turn-of-the-century Europe. It features finely detailed. From beneath the shadow of London's Big Ben to the towering arches of Rome's Colosseum, from the brilliant onion domes of Moscow to the delicate Eiffel Tower in Paris, Ticket to Ride Europe takes you on new train adventures through the great cities of turn-of-the-century Europe. Turns out this strategy game is still as fun and satisfying as it ever was. A DELUXE AND COLLECTOR EDITION: This oversized version celebrates years of thrilling train adventures for many families and friends.